Monday, July 28, 2008

Can you believe it??!!!

You Belong in 1987

Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.


Skousen Seven said...

I hated the eighties and I'm still stuck there! Maybe the caption is more me than I realized?


You are funny..colorful at night huh hum?? haha I loved the 80's:)

That is neat our sons are the same age! I admit boys are total mommas boys;)those girls are going to get dirty looks from ME!!

Kristal said...

Hahaha...that is you....hahaha.
I was 1957...You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!

Dawna Greer said...

Well for me the 80's were great--your two little sisters that you prayed here came into the world! You graduated from SHS, got married, left home, had my first grandchild. . . Bet Dave agrees with the analysis--colorful at night!

BrImHaLl FaMiLy said...

I like the Cheesy bit! I have seen that one! Don't feel bad I'm a bit cheesy too!

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Oh my gosh, that is so funny because I did it and I am 1988!!It is crazy how much we are alike!

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Jared did it and he was 1982, which is the year he was born. What are the odds of that? Must have been a great year...

Becky Montoya Wright said...

The 80s ROCK!! Hope to visit with you in person sometime, but glad to do it via the Internet in the meantime.

Skousen Seven said...

I have been getting alot of flack for not liking the 80's. I must clarify that alot of awesome things did happen to me then. It's mostly the high school years that I hated. I did like alot of the music and movies, just not the hairdo's like my wringlets. GAG!! So I do apologize from the depths of my soul if I offended anyone!