So I haven't been on the blog for quite sometime as you all may have noticed. So I will try to update in as little words as possible. I went to Chicago and met Erin and her family. They are amazing:) Loved meeting them so much. Erin and Shawn competed in the marathon and did really well. Shawn had hurt her foot at the 6 mile, but being the trooper she is, continued on and finished. So proud of both of them!!
October brought a birthday for Summer! Can't believe she is 23 years old. Man, she is making me OLD! We also lost our home, long story, ended up moving into a house that once belonged to our very good friends, Stan and Pam. I have always loved this house and it has been fun living in it :)
November we had Thanksgiving on our very own this year. It was really fun because we had bbq ribs, shrimp and chicken. What a fun meal. we had so much fun just talking around the table.
December brought Skyler's scoliosis surgery. He has about 25 screws and rods down his back. His scar is 21 inches, there is a 7 in scar just below his belly button and a 3 in on his side. He was such a trooper in the hospital, all the staff loved him! His back is still having some pain but all in all he's really doing well :) He gained an inch in height, but his feet are still growing! He is in a size 22 shoe, I think I better call Nike for donations!!!!
On Christmas Eve, Summer called and let us know that she is pregnant again!! We are so excited, she is due around August 26.
In January Dave and I got our callings in the new ward. Dave is the teacher for the 16-17 year old. I was called to be the 2nd councilor in the primary. I work with the neatest women!! Love the Woodland Lake Ward. They have been so supportive and welcoming to our family.
February is bringing some life changing decisions to our family. We have decided to move to none other than Heber town!!! A lot of things have made this choice, the boys are sick to death of Blue Ridge and I have to admit so am I. We feel they will have more opportunities at Mogollon High School. Another huge reason is that I really feel I need to be close to mom and dad. I want my kids to get to know dad and be helpers to mom. I'm not writing my dad off, just feel it would be good to be near him while he is going through his cancer. This is a huge move for Dave, since he will still work an hour away. It will be an adjustment but well worth it. We are very excited, so watch out Heber, the TALL family is moving in:) :)
Hope I covered everything, I'm actually using Dave's work computer since mine decided to up and die :( Have a great one my fellow bloggers! Love you all
Skousen Seven
Family, that's what makes the world go round
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
First off , I need to thank Shawn for a very heartfelt and amazing post for my birthday! You can go here to see it My computer won't let me comment on her blog. So the next best thing is to tell her on mine how much she means to me and my family. It was quite a journey to get to this point in both of our lives. I've posted many feelings already but I can never express how I truly feel in writing. We have missed many years together, but have many years to catch up!!
I would also like to tell my parents that I love you and thank you so much for being such a support in this journey.
Now to my birthday --- It has been such a great day, went out to lunch with my in laws and friends, then met up with my mom at Sassys and got a pedicure!!! We came back to the house where my mom had a birthday cake waiting for me:) Dave surprised me with a trip to CHICAGO! I'm going with my BFF Sandi to see Shawn and Erin run the Chicago Marathon:) I haven't met Erin or her family yet, so I'm so excited to see them. We leave October 7 and come home the 10th. Short weekend, but will make a lifetime of memories:) Love you Dave, as I said on Face Book, your the red hot jelly on my pb sandwich:)
I would also like to tell my parents that I love you and thank you so much for being such a support in this journey.
Now to my birthday --- It has been such a great day, went out to lunch with my in laws and friends, then met up with my mom at Sassys and got a pedicure!!! We came back to the house where my mom had a birthday cake waiting for me:) Dave surprised me with a trip to CHICAGO! I'm going with my BFF Sandi to see Shawn and Erin run the Chicago Marathon:) I haven't met Erin or her family yet, so I'm so excited to see them. We leave October 7 and come home the 10th. Short weekend, but will make a lifetime of memories:) Love you Dave, as I said on Face Book, your the red hot jelly on my pb sandwich:)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
We have been keeping an eye on Skyler's scoliosis. It has caused a bulge in his lower back, so we have been going to a local orthopedist and he just wanted to keep an eye on it. The last little while it looked like it was getting bigger so I checked into a specialist in Flagstaff. His name is Dr. Hales, and he is a great doctor! They took x-rays and found that at the top point of the scoliosis, its at a 45 degree curve and at the bottom its at a 55 degree curve. Dr. Hales said that at over a 40 degree curve its automatic surgery. So Skyler will go to Flagstaff Hospital on Dec. 13 and have the first surgery, they will go in just below the belly button with a 3 inch incision. That surgery will be about 6 hrs. Then he will go back in on Dec. 16 for the second portion of the correction. This will be on his side and will take another 6 hrs. He will have plates, screws, and rods from the bottom of his spine to about the middle of his spine. We are hoping to have him home just in time for Christmas!!!
Summer went through scoliosis surgery when she was a freshman. She has a scar that is from the middle of her front to the middle of her back. It took almost 6 months to fully recover because they had to go through all her muscles in her stomach. Dr. Hales said that Skyler should have an easier recovery since he will have smaller incisions. He will miss about 6-8 weeks of school, so will be home schooled under the direction of the school.
He is taking it pretty well, considering all that he has gone through with his eye. He is such a trooper, I know the Lord gave him a lot of strength and endurance!
We figure he will probably be close to 6'11" when this all done. The doctor hopes that the surgery will take him to a 20/25 degree curve.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Skyler has decided to go back to Blue Ridge High!! Needless to say we are thrilled:) There are a few reasons for his decision to return, I'm just glad its what he wants. So all my boys will be at BR!! He will start BR tomorrow morning!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
August and September bring three birthdays to our household within a few weeks of each other! Clay had his birthday on August 5, we celebrated it in St. George this year. He turned 12 and will be ordained tonight to become a deacon:) He will also be going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead tonight for the first time!! We are so proud of Clay and his worthiness to be a priesthood holder. He is excited to start passing the sacrament on Sunday.
Skyler is celebrating his birthday TODAY!! He is now 17, I can't believe how fast time goes by. He is such a good person, trys to be a good friend, even if they aren't. He is a junior in high school this year, so only one more year:( He has an incredible spirit about him.
Hunter was my birthday present, being born the day before mine:) He will celebrate his birthday on September 6. He will be 15, I think I'm getting really old!!!!! He is also a worthy priesthood holder like his brothers, he is such a great example to his friends. I have 6 sons from another mother because he has chosen some awesome friends!! I love when they come over:)
Skyler is celebrating his birthday TODAY!! He is now 17, I can't believe how fast time goes by. He is such a good person, trys to be a good friend, even if they aren't. He is a junior in high school this year, so only one more year:( He has an incredible spirit about him.
Hunter was my birthday present, being born the day before mine:) He will celebrate his birthday on September 6. He will be 15, I think I'm getting really old!!!!! He is also a worthy priesthood holder like his brothers, he is such a great example to his friends. I have 6 sons from another mother because he has chosen some awesome friends!! I love when they come over:)
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hunter is fitting right into his freshman life at Blue Ridge! He is going out for football and of course checking out all the girls?!?!? His classes are going well and has some with his good friends.
Clay is in the 6th grade and likes his new teacher. He is such a good student, so I don't worry too much about him:) He is such a good kid and really makes friends easily, he likes to be sociable and got into trouble last year for talking too much :(
Being the first week of school, we will see what the next couple of months brings! Hope everyone is having a good start to the school year!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
So I click on to my blog today and my birth mom Shawn tagged me to answer some questions, then I tag 8 of my blogging buddies! Should be interesting to read all of the responses from everyone.
Now, if this is about looks, then according to Dave definitely yes!!!! If it's about the weather, then yes again! I LOVE the heat, I HATE being cold, so the weather is perfect right now:)
I eat chicken a lot!!! I don't care for hamburger to much, but will eat it :) I guess the last time I ate something with chicken was in Page, AZ. Clay was playing in the All Star games and we had a pizza with chicken, spinach, feta cheese and Alfredo sauce. It was really good!
It is a song by CREED called WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN. It is put to a Thank a Soldier video. Really good:)
That I really should be in bed:) This has been a lot of fun actually!
Now I need to pass this on: This is the hardest part, to pick eight bloggers that I hope will be able to complete the task! Summer is such a busy time and if you can not get to it now, save the questions and answer at another time!
Kristal Joy
Dawna Greer
Kandra Owens
Sandi Brimhall
Kimberly Jensen
Lynnette Kish
Gayle Orth
Corie Turley
Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit into the mind of a mindless blond:) Have a great week and hope these girls will have as much fun as I did!
Now, if this is about looks, then according to Dave definitely yes!!!! If it's about the weather, then yes again! I LOVE the heat, I HATE being cold, so the weather is perfect right now:)
I LOVE this picture of my families!!!!!!! |
I eat chicken a lot!!! I don't care for hamburger to much, but will eat it :) I guess the last time I ate something with chicken was in Page, AZ. Clay was playing in the All Star games and we had a pizza with chicken, spinach, feta cheese and Alfredo sauce. It was really good!
It is a song by CREED called WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN. It is put to a Thank a Soldier video. Really good:)
That I really should be in bed:) This has been a lot of fun actually!
Now I need to pass this on: This is the hardest part, to pick eight bloggers that I hope will be able to complete the task! Summer is such a busy time and if you can not get to it now, save the questions and answer at another time!
Kristal Joy
Dawna Greer
Kandra Owens
Sandi Brimhall
Kimberly Jensen
Lynnette Kish
Gayle Orth
Corie Turley
Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit into the mind of a mindless blond:) Have a great week and hope these girls will have as much fun as I did!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Today, I met Shawn's brother Kevin and his beautiful family! They are visiting their daughter Autumn in Phoenix this week from Texas. Debbie called me and we decided to meet in Heber at my parents house. We were running a little late and met them at the Dairy Queen in Heber. I can't tell you how much love I felt from them! Kevin and Debbie brought 4 of their kids and they are the cutest kids ever!!! Their son , Tristen and Clay look so much a like. Tristen is actually adopted too! We got to the house and visited, had a great cookout, and a little slip-n-slide for the kids. Our families have so much in common. Meeting Shawn and her family has been such a blessing to me :) Ending the "unknown" chapter and beginning the "get to know you" chapter has been such a great experience for me. My story is one of the lucky ones for adoptees, and I know that Heavenly Father knew I needed this at this time! I have the love of two families, how much luckier can a girl get?
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
This is well worth linking on to! The group is THREE2U, they are such an amazing trio! They do a great job in singing this and the video is so appropriate for this Independence Day!!!
This is well worth linking on to! The group is THREE2U, they are such an amazing trio! They do a great job in singing this and the video is so appropriate for this Independence Day!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hunter and Clay both made the All Star teams:) We are so excited for them, they are having really long practices, but have the best coaches! Hunter is on the Juniors team and Clay is on the 10-11 yr. olds. They are learning more about their positions, batting and playing as a team. Good luck to the Blue Ridge All Stars!!!!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
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